Your school and Initial Teacher Training...Get involved and reap the benefits!

Trusts and ITT

  • It is a core responsibility of trusts to make a positive contribution to the wider system by delivering high quality training and/or placement for trainee teachers.
  • We want to encourage high quality trusts to deliver training and offer a range of placements (general and the Intensive Training and Practice element) and mentors for trainee teachers, to support system wide sufficiency. 
  • Ahead of September 2024 when the new ITT requirements are implemented, it is important that trusts start to consider how they interact with ITT, including:
    • How to offer ITT placements if not already doing so?
    • Your capacity to be involved in ITT? 
    • How to prepare for the new mentoring requirements?
  • Trusts should discuss their approach and involvement in ITT with their delivery officers. 

Commissioning high-quality trusts - GOV.UK (

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